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Case Study

Real estate investment is an increasingly popular way for individuals to achieve financial security. It is an exciting and emotional experience but often complicated. While there are plenty of blogs and agencies providing information, often, buyers new to the market may struggle to get started without professional guidance and waste time viewing properties out of their range. This web app will provide them with the expertise needed to get started efficiently.

Problem Statement

Perfect Properties users are busy individuals who need a reliable app to navigate the complex world of real estate. They require tools that help them make informed investment decisions efficiently. Success will be measured by the extent to which users rely on the Perfect Properties app to guide their property investments.


Lead Designer



Adobe XD



3 Months




To understand the challenges users face with real estate buying, I conducted extensive research comprising user surveys and interviews.

research goals

  • Analyze User Demographics: Examine age, gender, and other demographics to understand the target audience for the Perfect Properties app.

  • Identify User Needs and Behaviors: Conduct detailed research to understand user needs and behaviors related to real estate buying.

  • Investigate User Requirements: Explore why users need the Perfect Properties app and identify desired features or areas needing improvement.

  • Pinpoint Pain Points: Identify and analyze the frustrations and challenges users face when navigating the real estate market using the app.


Survey Key Insights

  • Mobile real estate apps are primarily used by Millennials and Gen Z.

  • Users prefer the app for its convenience in navigating the real estate market.

  • It is favored over traditional methods for its ease of access to property information.

User interviews

Using the insights gained from the survey, I crafted an informed interview script and conducted three in-person interviews from varied backgrounds.​


  • "I would like an app where I can manage all my real estate interests in one place, instead of using multiple apps for different properties."

  • "I have way too many listings and properties to track; it would be nice to have just one spot where I can manage all of them at once."

  • "I just bought my first home a couple of weeks ago. It would be great to have one app to manage all my real estate needs and simplify the process for me."

Interview Key Insights

  • Ease of Navigation: Users prefer real estate apps that are intuitive and easy to navigate with minimal effort.

  • Centralized Management: Efficient management of property information is crucial, especially when users currently need multiple apps for different features.

  • Security Concerns: Security is a major concern due to the sensitivity of real estate transactions.

  • Convenience: Many users find it inconvenient to visit multiple websites or apps to track different real estate listings.

  • Unified Platform: Users desire a single app to manage all their real estate needs, from tracking listings to handling transactions.

user personas

Using insights from user research, I created user personas representing different age groups and lifestyles. This approach allowed me to focus on users' needs, goals, and behaviors while ensuring inclusivity across the target audience.


A 29-year-old single female IT Consultant living in Oakland, CA.


Rashida lives with her family in a city on the west coast and spends most weekends in the countryside. She enjoys hiking with her family and playing basketball with old colleagues and friends from college. Recently, a colleague who invested in property suggested that Rashida consider doing the same.


A computer science graduate, Rashida is highly competent with technology and always keeps up with the latest tech trends. She regularly uses the newest model of smartphone and employs various online tools to manage her work, social life, and communication with friends, family, clients, and colleagues. She finds these tools functional, easy to use, and intuitive.



  • Rashida, an IT consultant for a growing tech company, is frequently on the go and often holds meetings by phone while driving.

  • She excels at multitasking and effectively manages her tasks while on the move.

  • Rashida relies heavily on technology to support her multitasking and stay productive.


  • Rashida makes a good living and aims to invest in properties outside the city to enhance her family's financial security.

  • She seeks accurate and timely information to make quick and informed decisions.

  • Rashida wants a tool that helps her efficiently find the right properties to avoid wasting time.


  • As a newcomer to real estate, Rashida finds it challenging to understand the complexities of the market.

  • She receives conflicting advice from various sources and is unsure which guidance to follow.

  • Rashida has tried different real estate apps, but they provide inconsistent pricing for the same location.

wire framing

Using insights from user personas representing different age groups and lifestyles, I began sketching out possible solution ideas for each user journey. This approach allowed me to focus on addressing specific needs, goals, and behaviors while ensuring the solutions were inclusive and effective for the target audience.

Low fidelity wireframes

At this stage, I began sketching possible solution ideas for each user persona's journey. This allowed me to visualize and address the specific needs and pain points of different user groups.

mid fidelity wireframes

At this stage, I transitioned from sketches to mid-fidelity wireframes, refining initial concepts and adding more detail to the design. These wireframes provided a clearer visual structure and layout, allowing for better usability testing and feedback collection.


To finalize the product, I refined the design process by meticulously designing high-fidelity wireframes while adhering to the Material Design Guidelines. Bold colors and clean typefaces were strategically chosen to evoke feelings of productivity, friendliness, and ease of use. This guided the visual and functional aspects of the design, ensuring a cohesive and user-friendly final product. The iterative design refinement based on usability feedback helped in addressing user needs and enhancing the overall user experience.

Style guide

I created a style guide to maintain consistency while designing the high-fidelity wireframes and adhere to the Material Design Guidelines. The bold colors and clean typeface were chosen to influence feelings such as luxury, friendliness and ease of use.

high fidelity mock ups

Multiple Screens.png

high fidelity prototype

The finalized high-fidelity prototype incorporates comprehensive feedback and design refinements. Key features include balanced margins for visual harmony, prominent and readable headings, and intuitive text boxes to guide user input. This polished prototype effectively addresses user needs and improves overall functionality.

Key Takeaways & Next Steps

Consistency is the Foundation

Working on this project taught me a great deal, particularly the importance of achieving a clean and consistent look in all my designs. I dedicated significant attention to perfecting the small details, ensuring that every screen and design appeared as professional as possible.

Assessing accessibility

I aim to test my design to understand the range of people it serves, particularly in the often confusing real estate field. My goal is to simplify certain processes and empower users with comprehensive knowledge about the properties they wish to invest in.

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