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San jose city hall
community engagement campaign

This comprehensive advertising initiative is designed to inspire community engagement and civic participation in San Jose, California. Developed by a Latino-background agency, the campaign emphasizes values of teamwork, community support, and inclusivity. This case study details the mission and values of the agency, the target personas, the Art Deco-themed creative strategy, the media plan and budget allocation, and the call to action that drives the campaign.

Agency Mission and Values

The agency is driven by a mission to foster collaboration and community support. The agency's name, which means "we are" in Spanish, reflects its Latino background and the belief that no individual can achieve success without the support of others. The agency values teamwork, emphasizing the importance of building each other up and working together to achieve great things. This ethos is particularly relevant in the diverse community of San Jose, where the agency aims to instill these values and create positive change.


Lead Designer


4 Months

Somos Book.jpg

Target personas

To effectively reach its audience, the campaign identifies four key personas, each representing different demographics and needs within the community:


An 18-year-old High School Senior

from Gilroy California.


Amy is a dedicated high school student eager to contribute to her community before heading to college. With a passion for event organization, she has successfully led as the president of the Student Associations. Her leadership and organizational skills have allowed her to make a positive impact within her school and local community.


Looking ahead, Amy aspires to earn a degree in criminal justice. She envisions a future where she can build a career that allows her to serve and protect her community. Through her academic pursuits and community involvement, Amy is committed to making a meaningful difference and fostering a safer environment for everyone.


  • Graduate with a degree in Criminal Justice

  • Establish a fulfilling career

  • Achieve personal happiness


  • Feeling unheard

  • Encountering obstacles to achieving goals

  • Facing issues with available solutions


A 24-year-old recent college graduate from
San Jose California.


Damein, born and raised in San Jose, has always held a strong sense of pride for his community and city. He recently graduated from UC Berkeley with a bachelor’s degree in political science and is currently exploring career opportunities. Like many recent graduates, he is uncertain about his future and has just begun submitting job applications.


Damein enjoys engaging in political debates on social media. Without a car, he relies on his bike and public transportation to get around. He aspires to feel needed and aims to contribute positively to his hometown and community through his work.

Damien (1)_edited.jpg


  • Aspires to implement meaningful changes in his community

  • Seeks a strong sense of responsibility

  • Hopes to inspire others to appreciate his community as he does


  • Concerned that working for San Jose might be too bureaucratic, hindering meaningful change.

  • Anxious about inadequate financial compensation for city employment.

  • Fears being stuck in a position with limited growth and advancement opportunities.


A 35 Year old married man with 2 kids from

San Jose California.


Raj is a down-to-earth family man who cherishes his weekends spent with loved ones. Growing up in San Jose, he earned a Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering from UC Davis. Recently laid off from a firm in Oakland, Raj moved back to San Jose to be closer to his family.


With a strong sense of pride in his hometown, Raj is ready to transition from the private sector to the public sector. He aims to help improve and maintain the city's infrastructure, contributing to the community he deeply cares about.



  • Seeking to transition from the private to the public sector

  • Recently relocated back to San Jose to be closer to his family

  • Aiming to improve road conditions and address congested roadways and traffic issues


  • Recently laid off and seeking a more stable and reliable job

  • Concerned about the possibility of future layoffs due to department downsizing

  • Looking for job security and long-term stability


A 33 Year old married woman with 3 kids from

San Jose California.


Valentina is a dedicated mother of three young children, aged 3, 5, and 7. As a stay-at-home mom, she enjoys shopping at Whole Foods, driving her 2015 Honda Accord, and wearing Lululemon. Although she holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, she has yet to find a job in her field and is now seeking to re-enter the workforce.


Valentina is passionate about making a positive impact in her community. She loves hosting dinner parties and is committed to creating a safer environment for her children to grow up in. Her motivation isn't driven by financial gain but by the desire to contribute meaningfully to her community.



  • Re-enter the workforce after raising her children

  • Pursue a fulfilling career later in life

  • Contribute meaningfully to her community


  • Has been out of the workforce for over a decade

  • Lacks extensive experience in a corporate setting

  • Worried about being perceived as the "older" member in a new hire group

Art Deco Theme

The campaign adopts an Art Deco theme, inspired by the luxurious, glamorous, and progressive art style of the 1920s. This creative strategy is chosen to evoke a sense of wonder and romanticize the experience of working for the city of San Jose. The campaign aims to parallel the excitement of the tech boom in Silicon Valley with the historical Art Deco period, creating a sense of continuity and progress.

Art Deco Posters

Media Plan & Budget Allocation

The media plan for the campaign is comprehensive, incorporating various forms of advertisements to maximize reach and impact:

Print Ads:

Flyers and posters of different sizes to be displayed in public spaces.

  • Flyers: $3,924 for 6,000 flyers.

  • Posters: $189 for 6 posters.

Digital Ads

Social media posts on platforms like Facebook and Instagram, along with video ads on YouTube.

  • YouTube Video Ads: $3,000 - $6,500 per ad per 4-week period.

Billboards &

Bus Stop Shelters:

Large banners to be placed in high-traffic areas.

  • Billboards: $1,500 - $8,000 depending on size and duration.

  • Bus Stop Shelters: Costs vary based on digital or print formats.

The budget is carefully allocated to ensure a balanced mix of print, digital, and outdoor advertisements, reaching a wide audience across different platforms and locations in the Bay Area.

Call to Action &Hashtag

The campaign's call to action, “Become the change you want to see,” is designed to inspire individuals to take an active role in their community. This powerful message encourages community members to step forward and make a difference, highlighting the importance of personal involvement in shaping the future of their surroundings.

To amplify this message, the campaign uses the hashtag #YourCommunityYourCareer. This hashtag extends the campaign's reach across social media platforms, encouraging community engagement and participation online. It serves as a rallying cry for individuals to connect, share their experiences, and promote the campaign's objectives.

By fostering a sense of pride and motivation, the call to action emphasizes the significant impact individuals can have on their community. It encourages people to participate in local governance and civic activities, reinforcing the idea that everyone has a role to play in improving and sustaining their community.


This campaign is a testament to the power of design in fostering community engagement and civic participation. By combining a strong mission and values, detailed target personas, an evocative Art Deco theme, a comprehensive media plan, and an inspiring call to action, the campaign effectively reaches and motivates a diverse audience. This case study highlights the thoughtful and strategic approach taken by the agency to create a meaningful and impactful campaign for the city of San Jose.

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